Stephanie Bidmead-搜索结果

  • 小妇人 Little Women

    类型:剧情片电影, 古装片电影

    导演:Paddy Russell   编剧:路易莎·梅·奥尔科特, Alistair Bell, Denis Constanduros

    主演:Angela Down, Jo Rowbottom, Sarah Craze, Janina Faye, Stephanie Bidmead, Patrick Troughton, Stephen Turner

      故事发生在南北战争时期。马奇太太(简·安德森 Jean Anderson 饰)的丈夫去前线照顾伤员,留下了妻子和四个可爱的小女儿看家。虽然如此一来,家里大大小小的生活压力全都落在了马奇太太一个人的肩上,但这位善良热心又能干的女士总是能够把家里收拾的妥妥帖帖,万事安排的一一当当。

  • 米尔沃顿 Charles Augustus Milverton


    导演:   编剧:Clifford Witting (writer)

    主演:Douglas Wilmer, Nigel Stock, John Murray Scott, Derek Smee, Tony Steedman, Ralph Tovey, Jimmy Ashton, Stephanie

      Charles Augustus Milverton, 'the most dangerous man in London' is a loathesome blackmailer, preying on the weaknesses of his victims. Lady Eva Blackwell asks Holmes to broker a deal with Milverton to retrieve some letters which would harm her impending marriage but Milverton only ups the asking price. Masquerading as a work-man Holmes discovers where the blackmailer keeps his v...